My mother, sister, and I were shopping and it was well past lunch time. We call my dad to let him know we're going to Taco Bell. He says that he wants two chalupas and a taco. We pull into the drive through and that's where our problems start. My mom is very flustered from nearly ramming a car to "teach him a lesson". But that's not the story I'm setting out to tell. This is The Drive-Thru Story.
Mom: Do you guys know what you want?
Sister and me: Yes.
Mom: Oh, well I don't.
Intercom Dude: Welcome to Taco Bell...
Mom: Oh, I just need a second... (
to my sister)What did your father want?
Sister: Two baja chalupas and a taco. It's the number six.
Mom: Can I get a number six and a burrito... (
to my sister)What did you want?
Sister: A baja chalupa and two hard shelled tacos.
Mom: ... and a baja chalupa and two hard shelled tacos.
Intercom Dude: What did you want to drink with the meal?
Mom: Oh, it comes with a drink? We don't want a drink. Can we start over?
Mom: Ok, can I get two baja chalupas and a taco and a burrito... (
to my sister) What did you want?
Sister: A baja chalupa and two hard shelled tacos.
Mom: Ok, we're up to three baja chalupas, three tacos, and a burrito... (
to me) What did you want?
Me: Two hard shelled tacos.
Mom: Why didn't you tell me that sooner? This could've been so much easier. (
to intercom dude) Ok, we're up to three baja chalupas, five tacos, and a burrito. That'll be all. I'm so sorry about this.
Meanwhile, I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. I'm thinking this story doesn't translate so well into text. The idea you're supposed to get is that I'm silent and this irritates my mother. Either that or my family should really be barred from using drive-thrus since we're clearly that family that holds up the line.